Ok, so a lot of women fantasize about running away with their favourite hot celebrity. I am unusual in the fact that my fantasies involve TURNING DOWN my sexy, rich dream celebrity-man (the celebrities are interchangeable). For example:
Alan Rickman/Josh Groban/Ewan MacGregor: Oh, Franny, I cannot LIVE without you any more! Let me take you to my villa in southern Italy where we can live out our days in each other's passionate embrace!
Me: No...please...I can't do this...
AR/JG/EM: Do not fear my fame and riches! I would gladly give it all up just to be with you - you are the most precious woman in the world! You alone are my destiny! You alone understand me and can make me whole again!
Me: *melodramatic pose* Oh Alan/Josh/Ewan! I cannot! I have committed myself to my children and to my husband forever! I am so sorry, but I...I simply...cannot!
AR/JG/EM: No! I will be forever lost without you! *sobbing on knees* How can you condemn me to a lifetime of emptiness without you?! You, the guardian of my SOUL!?
Me: I am so sorry A/J/E! I didn't mean for you to fall desperately in love with me! Please, you must understand...my destiny lies elsewhere. You must find a way to carry on without me!
AR/JG/EM: I will try to find a way, but know that every day my heart will cry out for you! Though we may be apart, I swear I will honour you in my deeds and actions for eternity!
Me: Yah, okay...look, I gotta go...the kids need dinner...
AR/JG/EM: Goodbye my beloved...goodbye!
*I speed off in my minivan and he chases it for a couple blocks screaming my name until he collapses, sobbing in the road*
Then, every time I see my hottie on TV or making records or movies, I will always know that secretly, his heart cries out for the one woman he could never have...ME.
Every interview where they ask him about his love life, I will see the unfulfilled sadness in his eyes as he talks about the only woman he ever loved... and I'll always know that all the supermodels/actresses he married since then were just fill-ins for me.
Okay, hi everyone...sorry, I kinda left the premises for a minute there...
Anyhow, there's something about knowing that my hotties CANNOT have me that is even more fulfilling than fantasizing about them actually having me! Am I making any sense? I guess this way I don't feel guilty, because technically I have done the "right thing", even though I have torn apart the heart of the millionaire celebrity hottie.
I guess I just don't want a sticky torrid fantasy affair. Being the object of chivalrous agony from afar will do me just fine while I have so much love in my actual life.
I wonder how my hubby would feel if he knew I choose him (and the kids) over these rich, suave, sexy & usually british-accented hotties, even in my daydreams?